Wednesday, February 14, 2007

How to Understand the Middle East by Reading One Awesome Novel

I finished Richard North Patterson's newest book, Exile, last night. What a fabulous read! I don't know why this is, but lately I've been reading novels that inform as well as entertain. And let me tell you, Exile entertains. The ride takes you along as you watch the planning and execution of America's first suicide bombing, and continues as David Wolfe tries to find the designers of the attack in order to save his client from being convicted of this heinous crime. His investigation takes him to Israel, the West Bank, and Lebanon, where he discovers the fears and hatreds that keep the Palestinian/Israeli confict burning white hot.

Please believe me when I tell you that I now have a much better understanding of the continuing conflict between Palestinians and Jews. It is a complicated mess, beset by the dreams and hopes of two peoples who claim the right to live in the same land. I highly recommend you get this book. Click on the graphic below to get it from Amazon.